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© History 2 Life 2017

Meet Marlene Katz

Marlene Katz brings a life-long passion for history, story- telling, education and performing. For over 25 years, Marlene taught  high school and college students in multiple disciplines. Coalescing her many interests, she taught subjects including English, theater, history, holocaust and creative writing and more. Marlene the educator, adopted her passion for theater to bring history to life for her students. She honed her skills as a performer story teller over the years to develop a wide repetoire of characters to speak for her. She grew up in Kansas City, where she and her husband Stanley raised their family. She enjoys the art of conversation and story telling with her children and grandchildren,


As Minnie Pearl, Marlene’s unique perspective on history and story telling captivate audiences with a fresh look at life.


Like Amelia Earhart, action and sense of purpose drive her. She conveys meaning she feels to the audience and uses the lens of history to bring her points home.   
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